Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Arrow Reaction: "Dangerous Liaisons" (5x19)

Warning: Arrow is rated TV-14 for mature content. Spoilers included below.

Helix offers Felicity a way to track down Prometheus in exchange for help breaking someone out of an ARGUS facility. Meanwhile, Lance convinces Rene to see his daughter.

Felicity: "Guys, a little support here."
Oliver: "You might be crossing the line, Felicity."
Felicity: "Well, you're the last person in the world who could say that."

What I Liked
The side plot of Lance convincing Rene to see his daughter was probably my favorite part of the episode. I just love that Lance is becoming Rene's mentor and friend. They share a lot of similarities, and I think Rene just needs someone like Lance in his life to convince him that he is better than he was before. The reunion between Rene and his daughter was adorable. I'm excited to see how it all pans out.

Perfect, hoss. (source)

Team Arrow
Team Arrow, of course, was great in this episode, even if they didn't play a huge part in the main events. Curtis being concerned about the arcade games at the beginning of the episode was perfectly hilarious. He's a true gem. (Protect him at all costs, people!) Dinah will always be the MVP of the episode, though. She kicked some serious butt. It was great.

#BAMF (source)

With every episode, I admire Diggle more and more, especially when he stands firm in his beliefs. This was a hard one for him because it went against everything Lyla's been doing with ARGUS. I'm worried about what is going to happen between them, but I'm glad that Diggle isn't compromising.

Oliver and Felicity
There were so many scenes in this episode where the tension between Oliver and Felicity was so high I could not deal. I don't know if they'll get back together any time soon (or at all), but these scenes revealed that there is still something there, even if it's just both of them trying to help one another. (But they keep bringing up the fact that Oliver and Felicity at one time were going to get married, so fingers crossed?)

*clutches heart* (source)

What I Didn't Like
I've never been a huge fan of ARGUS and their involvement. They're kind of "meh" in my opinion when it comes to their part in the show. Now that Lyla is in charge, it's even more... boring? I just feel like pitting Lyla and Diggle against each other (again) is just unnecessary drama. Do we not have enough drama with Prometheus running around and Felicity getting herself into trouble, or what? I just don't care about anything related to ARGUS.

We all should be as loving as John Diggle. (source)

At one point, Felicity used to be my favorite character on this show. Ever since last season, though, she's annoyed me. I don't know if the break-up with Oliver made her snap or if she's always been like this and I've been... blinded(?) by her amazingness, but I'm just disappointed. She's being reckless and making stupid decisions, and I can't believe she can't see that Helix is dangerous and up to something bad. It's aggravating to watch. I just want to grab her by the shoulders and say, "No, stop! What are you doing?!"

I've hated Helix from day one. I don't know if I'm supposed to or not, but I do. And I don't like that Alena lady; something about her is irritating. I should have known they'd dump Felicity the moment they had what they wanted. They've probably been setting her up from day one so they could get their hacker guy back. It sucks: for Felicity, for Team Arrow, for the show. I won't even be surprised to learn that Helix planted whatever explosion that was at the end of the episode, whether it was to fry their computers so Felicity can't find them or if they're somehow involved with Prometheus.

Blah, blah, blah... go away. (source)

This episode wasn't bad, but it wasn't riveting either. The last two seconds were the most exciting part of the whole thing, and I cared more about what was happening with Rene and his daughter than Felicity and Helix. It seemed like the standard "filler" episode to get us to the season finale. Yes, there was action and tension and such, but overall, it's forgettable. Come on, Arrow. You can do better. I hope the ending of this episode points to the better.

What did you think of "Dangerous Liaisons"?


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